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The Countdown to the Admission Exams begins!

Admission exams are around the corner. Candidates need to carefully plan their study schedules from now until the August exams- time goes quickly, and it is easy to convince oneself that there is enough time to study. However, a word of caution- one does not know what the future holds and especially what your work circumstances will be at the time of the admission exams. You could find yourself in the middle of a demanding trial, or perhaps with an intricate commercial transaction which you have worked on for months. It is wise to start studying and to have a plan in mind, so that in the month before board exams, you are purely doing revision and not learning. There are various aspects to studying, as follows:

  1. Reading

  2. Understanding and Learning

  3. Practical Application

  4. Memory Retention

  5. Revision

Having been a tutor for a number of years, and having lectured for the admission board exam preps for a few years now, it appears to be a common problem with candidates that it seems that some think that studying past papers alone will be sufficient. This is not the case. The attorney admission exams requires you to study and to practice practical application (for example, drafting in papers 1, 2 and 3, and bookkeeping skills in paper 4). It is definitely possible to pass, you must be willing to put in the hours and apply efficient study skills, especially if you do not have a lot of time. Some tips for those who are getting ready to study:

  1. Set goals. Write down your desired results somewhere where you can see them every day.

  2. Write down words which encourage you, and put them somewhere you can see them.

  3. Have a study timetable and break down what content you would like to cover from now leading up to the admission exams. Remember, ideally the month before the exams should be for revision (i.e. you've already learnt and understood the content, now you just need to revise what you know).

  4. R.E.A.D the legislation!! We cannot over-emphasise this. Read the Rules for Court Practice. Read the Rules for Bookkeeping. Read the Road Accident Fund Act and the Amendment Act. Read the Wills Act, Intestate Succession Act, Administration of Estates Act, and the list goes on. Those who fail or who get orals often mention that they have neglected to even read the legislation. Moral of the story- read the legislation.

  5. Practice drafting without looking at memos. Once done, then check where you went wrong, and not whilst you are doing the drafting (as this can cheat you into believing you understand the content, whilst you actually don't understand it).

  6. Write out study notes and summary notes, and use various colours in doing so (i.e. highlighters etc).

  7. Study in a quiet, organised space.

  8. Rest, eat healthily and take short breaks in between studying.

  9. Believe in yourself and work hard- don't let an overbearing colleague or employer get in the way of your future. You've got this!

Spence Learning is offering online courses for board exam prep. We are offering sessions for each subject leading up to the board exams (see our dates online). Later in August, we will have an intensive exam revision workshops for each paper (i.e. it is assumed you have studied and prepared for the content we will cover, meaning we revise the content). You can book online for each subject. We want to walk this journey with you and help you pass.

Contact or book online. We look forward to working with you!

This article is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as legal advice. Spence Learning Pty Ltd will not be held liable for any matter arising from this article or our website.

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